
This digital space was created in October 2010 to highlight and discuss worthwhile issues in Neuroscience, Psychology and Metaphysics. Midwife to this was the Society for Neuroscience, which selected it as one of the official blogs of SfN 2010, as part of their social media effort.

My name is Pascal Wallisch, and I act as your host for this purpose. I did my undergraduate studies at the Free University of Berlin, received my PhD from the University of Chicago in late 2007, then worked as a research scientist at the Center for Neural Science at New York University and now serve as a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology.

Action potentials

I originally hail from Germany – went to college at the Free University of Berlin, so I take Kant and Heidegger as role models when it comes to writing. Just kidding. I’ll try to keep it snappy, but I am obviously fighting an uphill battle in that regard.

Ground rules: Caveat lector is in effect. In all posts, I merely provide information, to the best of my knowledge, without intentional bias or pretense. I do not provide advice of any kind. As you have full property rights of your own person, you – read: not me – are entirely responsible for your actions. By reading anything on this site you agree to this division of labor and responsibility. If you do find factual fault with anything stated on this site, contact me and I’ll fix it. Above all, every post on this site is protected by US free speech laws.

I do own the rights and/or have license to all texts, artwork and images on this site. If you want to reproduce it, I ask that to give proper credit (a link would be nice). Asking for permission is not necessary, unless used commercially.

Usability: We live in an age of skimming and constant switching of attention. This is a coping mechanism to deal with constant distraction. These pages are not optimized for this. My goal is to provide something of value that will endure in the long term. It is aimed at those who can appreciate that. If you skim, you will not get anything out of it. I expect this to be largely self-selective. Most people land on these pages accidentally. That is ok. Similarly, none of these pages was optimized for search engines. I consider search engine optimization (SEO) to be the job of the search engines, not mine. Instead of gaming the system, I would rather focus on the content instead. So that is what I did.

If you want to support our work, you can do so @PascalWallisch (Venmo) or at 1FTt5DYuqnJaS8brwRQGioNeNoPq1ja8DQ (Bitcoin).




Subject: Blog

Twitter: Pascallisch

2 Responses to About

  1. Maureen says:

    I just read your explanation on slate and wanted you to see my blog post on the subject

  2. طراحی سایت فروشگاهی و شرکتی حرفه ای در قزوین

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