Even dwarfs started small…

As you know, yours truly was selected by SfN to report from the meeting in San Diego this year.

It has come to my attention that this choice has – perhaps predictably – drawn the ire of some of the more established (Neuro)bloggers who were not picked. So far, so understandable. That’s just human nature.

However, I would like to emphasize that just because most of the the bloggers that were officially selected by SfN are new at blogging  does                                                                     not necessarily mean that they are neq at (neuro)science.

Most of us are (I certainly am) indeed new at blogging, so of course there will be a learning curve. I am acutely aware that the confidence that SfN placed in me (as reflected by their choice) now has to be earned afresh in the eyes of a much wider audience. I sincerely hope to be able – in time – to justify their choice.

Put differently: I realize that I am new at this, so please bear with me. Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any suggestions.

Now, without further ado, let’s give someone an opportunity to put this matter in perspective in a way that only he can: Werner Herzog.

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