My policy on quote review

I understand the need of journalists to simplify quotes and make them more palatable to their audience. Academics have a tendency to hedge every statement. In fact, they would have to be an octopus to account for all the hands involved in a typical statement. From this perspective, it is fair that journalists would try to counteract this kind of nuance that their audience won’t appreciate anyway. However, I’m in the habit of choosing my words carefully and try to make the strongest possible statement that can be justified based on the available evidence. If journalists then apply their own biases, the resulting statements can veer into the ridiculous. So I’m now quoted – all over the place – saying the damnedest things, none of which I actually said. Sometimes, the quote is the opposite of what I said. This is not ok.

Of course you can write whatever you want. But that doesn’t include what I allegedly said. Note also that I did give journalists the benefit of the doubt in the past. But they demonstrably – for whatever reason, innocent or willful – did not care much for quote accuracy.

Thus – from now on, I must insist on quote review prior to publication. This is not negotiable, as my reputation is on the line and – again – I’m in the habit of speaking very carefully. This policy is also mutually beneficial – wouldn’t any journalist with integrity be concerned about getting the quotes right?

In the meantime, one should be wise to assume the media version of Miranda: “Everything you don’t say will be attributed to you anyway.”

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